Sunday 15 May 2016

Sunday Sweetness: News Edition

Browse, Page, Scroll To, News, Newspaper, Paper, ReadHey Everyone,

Sorry for the radio silence (for the umpteenth time).  The last couple weeks have been a bit hectic with moving back to Barrie and getting work lined up for the summer.  I'm hoping now that everything is set up that I'll have time to get posts going regularly (I think...)

I've been working on a story and am thinking of posing it in serials on here starting in July.  I'm not going to commit to making that a sure thing just in case I get caught up with other stuff but is something I would like to do once I'm finished and have edited the chapters.

Candy, Sweets, Tasty, Sweet, Food, CandiesI'm also thinking of getting some reviews out on a regular basis, maybe once a month or biweekly.  Again, I'm only thinking about it;  I still have to have time to watch/listen/read what I'm going to talk about.

For the most part I'll try to at least some short pieces so there's at least some new content on here for you.  So, I know this isn't a normal Sunday Edition but I don't think I've been doing this enough for something normal about it.

I hope you all have a great Sunday and rest of the week.