Sunday 5 June 2016

Sunday Sweetness: Tsh, tsh, tsh, tsh, ching!

Typewriter, Vintage, Old, Manual, Manual Typewriter

Today, I thought I would talk about my writing.  I do a lot of it when I can and when I'm not getting distracted with other stuff.  It's been something I've done for a long time,  I generally have a lot of projects on the go and have to have a ton of writing books and file on my computer.  I even have a project that I'm working with an Underwood typewriter.

Currently, after four years of writing essays at my alma mater Laurentian University and a year at Sir Sanford Fleming, I have landed work as an intern at a company in my hometown.  There, I'm researching for their resource centre and writing for their blog as well.  For the moment I'm feeling on top.  This job does eat up a bit of my time now so it makes it hard for me to get around to posting in a way that I would like... but what can you do?
Colors, Candy, Confectionery

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